Dancing...Beyond the Movements

Dancing...Beyond the Movements

So, when is that moment when dancing becomes magical?  At what point in your dancing, in anyone’s dancing, is it truly art and is no longer just a series of figures added together into something called “choreography” that should impress the judges but actually never does?  Well, that’s because movement isn’t dancing until you add feelings and emotions to it.  It’s a whole new deeper, more profound level of dancing that most dancers have never even experienced or touched on because we are so concerned about our look, or the placement of our arms to create a “frame”, or just trying to remember our footwork and our steps.  In essence, this focus on superficial issues never really allows the dancer within each of us to experience the true art of dancing.

Sometimes it is necessary to step back from where we are and look at the big picture.  What truly is dancing?  What does it mean to really dance and be in the moment of dance?  What does the experience of being totally involved with the music, feel, and emotion of the dance actually feel like?  To experience this sense of aura one must first understand that dance is not just calculated movement of the body and pre-organized actions, but it is instead the feelings and emotions with which you attach to those movements.  Each step, each action, each motion should have with it an associated feeling and emotion.  Dance is one of the most poetic art forms that humanity has ever expressed because it involves not just the physical body, but it involves the mind, the soul, the heart, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, images of self and awareness of surroundings and so much more all of which are in relationship with each, in relationship with another person, and in relationship with music.

In dancing we have physical movements, actions, steps, motions.  Each is like a letter.  And, a combination of these letters creates a word.  And, a combination of these words creates a sentence.  And, a combination of these sentences creates a paragraph.  Each of which has an idea, a thought, and ultimately a story.  But, all of these words, sentences, paragraphs are empty without the proper expression, tone, spirit, flavor, air, mood, and attitude that when associated with the movement creates the true art form which we call dance.

And, to add more to this infinitely vast dynamic of dancing we have the subject of partnering and  relationship with another person in our movements.  Dancing with another individual can become the most rewarding experience that one can ever undergo.  Each individual has his or her own set of feelings and emotions associated with their movements and the music.  In addition, the feelings almost always differ.  And, it’s okay to have different feelings.  They should never be the same.  In fact, with differing sets of emotions and feelings we can create a polyrhythm of energies and dynamics that creates incredible appeal and becomes very interesting to watch.  For a dancing couple there should always be a sense of individualism yet an awareness of each other for an equivalent sense of togetherness.  This is partnering at its best.

In short, if we can convey one simple message to our readers it is that dancing is emotions and feelings from within our hearts and souls expressed through the motions and movements of our bodies.  Every part of our body is a tool which we use to communicate our feelings to each other and to the audience.

Journal written By Victor Fung & Anastasia Muravyeva